Friday, September 17, 2010

#4-Jigsaw Classroom

In reading the overview of the Jigsaw Classroom, I was impressed with the way that it can blend differnt ethnicities together to reach a common goal.  It seems to be genius yet simplistic to split up the lesson to be learned in different tasks and have the students search them out then put them together. 

If there were only five computers in your classroom,  the advantage would be that the first five students to seek out the pieces of the puzzle so to speak, and then know the answer to the puzzle before the rest of the class. 

The disadvantages to only having five computers in a grade school environment would be that the dominant and bright students would find the answers quicker then the slower stuidents would.  Also the brighter students would be bored easier than the other students, so possibly variety would have to be used to keep this method of learning fresh. 

#3-Google Apps for the Classroom

As the video showed there are so many things to do with Google Apps.  Even though it was produced as a selling tool to schools, it had alot of information that we as future teachers can use. 
I think that in the three tools that I would have my students use would be

1.  Book Search-  This would be invaluable in looking for books that would be helpful in doing research projects, book reports and for looking up general information.  This might be more specific than a general search engine.

2.  iGoogle-  Students would be able to set up their own accounts and use them as they see fit.  It has great tools and students can use them to their advantage.

3.  Blogger-  This is something that students can write their own reflections about and show that they are mastering or trying to master the skills needed in todays ever changing world.

As technology grows, we have to adapt to it.  I am the old dog learning the new tricks!  And the new tricks seem to be fun and are a growing experience!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Technology in the Classroom for Special Needs Children

Having to view the various delivery methods of various technologies that are being developed and used in the classroom, the one that sticks out the most is the ECO 14 or "EZkeys".  This communication device and software that we saw in the You Tube video.  This is a similar device that Stephen Hawking uses to communicate.  This innvoative way of communication has helped so many people with total disabilities learn and grow and be able to overcome the challenges that they face in everyday life and learning.

Hand held devices can show children with autism and other speech impared children how to convey their needs to teachers and support staff.  These simple devices can be understood by the students, and usually the simplist tools are the best ones.

Technology for special needs students is growing by leaps and bounds every day.  What we take for granted  can be one of the most difficult things for a special needs student to convey to the teacher.  These special software programs and devices make understanding and learning rewarding for both teachers and students.